Our company represents
exclusively in Greece the Canadian company
GENERAL DYNAMICS Ordnance & Tactical Systems (OTS) which manufactures the
SIMUNITION. training ammunition system.
The color marking SIMUNITION are available in
various colors (red, blue, orange, yellow, green and white),
caliber (
5.56mm, 9mm, .38mm), that are compatible with the existing armory.
Their use is capable after the change of the actual gun bolt with their respective training bolt for all the handguns – pistols – machine guns and rifles.
The conversion bolt kit exclude the use of live ammunition by providing safety even in case of error ie. Usage of lethal ammunition instead of SIMUNITION.
Using SIMUNITION, the training is the
most realistic interactive training (force on force) because the bullets are having similar trajectory characteristics as the real ammunitions and used in the exact same weapon of each user, with the difference that “do not kill” but stain exactly the point of impact using water-soluble paint, so that, the trainee knows exactly the results of the use of the gun and makes the corresponding actions and corrective actions. Therefore the trainee uses his own weapon and receives the maximum benefits from training.
Contact us for more information.